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sort file by size: lost from the interwebs


 du -k | sort -n | perl -ne 'if ( /^(\d+)\s+(.*$)/){$l=log($1+.1);$m=int($l/log(1024)); print
f  ("%6.1f\t%s\t%25s  %s\n",($1/(2**(10*$m))),(("K","M","G","T","P")[$m]),"*"x (1.5*$l),$2);}

How usable is Raspberry Pi 4 as a desktop

Primer on dotnet fsharp build system


Architecture Intro

Postgresql DB book
Understanding the PostgreSQL Architecture
MVCC and Autovacuum Internals
Index Internals
Postgresql Internals
Relational DBMS Internals
EnhancementoftheANSISQLImplementationofPostgreSQ A Quick Survey of MultiVersion Concurrency Algorithms
PostgreSQLIntroductionandConcepts Alt link!
Introduction to Hacking Postgre

Extension APIs

Postgresql DB book
Postgres Programmers Guide Implementing your first PostgreSQL extension: From Coding to Distribution
Implementation of Extended Indexes in POSTGRES Postgres Server Programming
Postgres-R (8) Architectur

Deep Dive

postgres visit the catalog
postgres intro to hacking
postgres programmers guide
postgres internals
Internals of Postgres
WAL Internals
Inside the PostgreSQL Shared Buffer Cache
In-core compression Tuple internals Hacking Postgres Internals - Indexing Schemes for Data Recording Systems PostgreSQLInternalsThroughPictures
Postgresql block internals
PostgreSQL Row Storage Fundamentals
PostgreSQL Update Internals
Multiple Buffer Pools and Dynamic Resizing of Buffer Pools in PostgreSQL




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Fable React is nice. But what about Fable Preact? Lazy Elmish React
